Daisy’s Flower Tops are a bouquet of feline fun! Each colorful blossom is a combination of kitty’s favorite textures and sensations. The double-sided center is made from our classic sturdy twill fabric on the front and a soft, plush faux fur on the back side. Then it’s filled to bursting with our own premium, organic leaf-and-flower-top catnip blend – no fillers to interfere with its potency. The silky yet crinkly petals flutter in the breeze of kitty’s excited tail. Flower Tops will be sold individually and come in three colors: white, blue, and pink.
Pet House Pear Orchard Candle
Earth Animal Beef No-Hide® Dog & Cat STIX
Skout's Honor Prebiotic Pet Balm for Dogs & Cats
Fussie Cat Mackerel with Beef Purée
Smallbatch Frozen Beef Bone Broth
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