Did You Know First Aid Could Save Your Pet’s Life?
April is National Pet First Aid Awareness … would YOU know
What to do in the event of a pet emergency?
What you do – or don’t do – could save your pet’s life!
No one ever counts on an emergency happening. But they will happen and what you know (or don’t know) could drastically affect the outcome, especially for your pet. Even if you do end up seeking veterinarian help, the first few minutes of a pet-related emergency could mean the difference between life and death.
Emergencies can happen anytime, to anyone and anywhere including natural disasters, the great outdoors and seasonal hazards.
Common Pet First Aid Emergencies
• Insect bites, stings & allergic reactions
• Poisonous plants, toxins & parasites
• Snake bites
• Exposure to extreme heat or cold
• Limb injuries
• Wounds & trauma
When Disaster Hits, Will You Be Ready?
A natural disaster can hit without warning, so the Red Cross recommends all pet owners prepare in advance by creating a kit that’s easily portable. As the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Your disaster kit for your pet(s) should include the following items:
• Leashes, harnesses (bring an extra) or pet carriers
• Pet’s regular food and treats, clean water, bowls and a manual can opener (if needed)
• Pet’s medications and copies of their medical records
• Current photos of your pets in the event you are separated
• If you have more than one pet, be sure to prepare a kit for each one
• Also, make sure all tags are securely attached to collars and up-to-date
Pet First Aid is More Than a Band-Aid
There’s so much more to effective first aid for your pet than just applying a quick band-aid.
• How would you identify an emergency?
• Would you know how to properly restrain your injured pet to avoid getting bit?
• What is shock and what should you do?
• How do you splinter/bandage a limb injury?
• Choking issues and proper interventions
The Step(s) You Need to Take Today
Do not wait until an emergency happens! Learn the skills that could save your pet’s life today!
1. Signup for a hands-on training class in your local community. If you live in the Littleton or Morrison Colorado area, register for our upcoming April 7th class in Pet First Aid and CPR training. See a list of all classes nationwide at www.pettech.net.
2. Buy or create a Pet First Aid Kit (click here for a list on the ASPCA’s website). Keep the kit out of reach of all pets and children and regularly check for expired items that need to be replaced.
3. Keep a Pet First Aid Guide hand in your first aid kit(s) and car.
Did you know all our pet sitters at Distinctive Pet Care
in Littleton, Colorado are trained in
Pet First Aid & CPR for your
pet’s ultimate safety?
Join us at our next Pet Tech Class in Littleton, Colorado on
Sunday, April 7th!
Don’t wait until an emergency happens,
be prepared with our full-day
Pet Saver Pet First Aid,
CPR & Care Class.
Just call 303-904-0484 to register or
click here to send us an email.