


Spring and fall is the time that skunks become more active and your pets are at the highest risk of becoming sprayed by these pesky little creatures! It is August in Colorado and we have had 3 telephone calls TODAY for pets that smell like a skunk! Sometimes they don’t get a direct spray but are in the vicinity or rub up against skunk oil. Yes, oil…..the skunk oil is so long-lasting because it soaks into the skin and mucous membranes such as the nose, mouth and even the eyes. How to Avoid A Run-in with a Skunk! ~Don’t let...

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How to Housetrain an Adult Dog

How to Housetrain an Adult Dog

Housetraining a puppy can be a challenge, but what about an adult dog? No matter what the age of your canine companion, there are ways to housetrain an adult dog and help improve their potty habits. Why an Older Dog May Need Housetraining An adult dog may need housetraining for many reasons. If the dog has been adopted, it may never have been housetrained previously, or it may have spent a long period in a kennel or shelter and lost its housetraining habits. Dogs that have always lived outdoors may not have been formally housetrained, or older dogs may need...

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Contagious Pet Skin Conditions: What You Need to Know

Contagious Pet Skin Conditions: What You Need to Know

Contagious Pet Skin Conditions | For any pet owner, protecting our beloved companions is paramount. Our pets also depend upon us to give them the very best life and keep them safe. This year, Colorado is challenged with two highly contagious skin conditions: sucking lice and walking dandruff. Here at the Ken Caryl Pet Spa, we have seen several cases of each of these nasty pests!  While not initially life-threatening, they are serious, progressive conditions that need to be identified and treated to prevent further infestation and additional medical issues. If your pet is continuously scratching, rubbing, biting at their...

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Back-to-School Can Mean Pet Anxiety!

Back-to-School Can Mean Pet Anxiety!

While many parents are celebrating their children’s return-to-school, there’s also a feeling of anxiety in the air. Kids are not the only ones feeling anxious about the end of their summer freedom, spending hours in the classroom and after-school activities, not to mention homework! Your pets are also feeling – and responding – to the new schedules and a home that is suddenly very quiet and empty. Pets are creatures of habit and when normal routines change, it can leave them confused, anxious and even depressed, especially for our canine friends. Not sure if your pet is anxious or depressed?...

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